Saturday, January 14, 2012

Paala Kova/Doodh Peda

Its festival time and a very happy Sankranthi to all our blog readers. Of course, here is our sweet of the season: Paala kova /doodh peda or Milk cakes. An Andhra sweet, a popular during Sankranthi.


Fresh milk (paalu) 3 liters

Sugar 1 cup (100 gms)


Boil the milk until it is around half its quantity.

Add the sugar.

Keep stirring until the milk thickens into a paste. During this process, you can see ghee oozing out at the corners of the cooking pot/vessel, this is due to excess boiling.

Leave to cool for around 15 mins.

Take small lumps and pat into small cakes/pedas.

Paalakova is done. The process is indeed simple, but needs a tad bit of experience to ensure the milk is not burnt and is actually boiling. The first time may not be the best one, do not lose hope. Keep trying and the best will soon come out.

Enjoy a sweet paalakova/doodh peda or milk burfi and a sweeter Sankranthi. Happy Sankranthi once again.

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