It is the season now and fresh Tamarind leaves or chintaaaku is easily available is most places in India. Tangy and spicy, Tamarind leaves chutney is an instant chutney that lasts for at most 2 days if refrigerated. Another of Lalitha’s suggestions, thank you.

Serves: 2
Preparation time: 20-30 mins
Tamarind leaves (Chinta aaku) 4 bunch
Mustard seeds 2tsps
Black gram (urad dal/uddipappu) 2tsps
Bengal gram (Chanal dal/senaga bedalu) 1tsp
Sesame seeds (Til/Nuvvulu) 2tsp
Red chillies 4
Curry leaves 4-5
Refined cooking oil 1-2 tbsp
Salt to taste
Pinch of Asafoetida
Shred the tamarind leaves. The tender ones are tangier and taste better.
Dry roast in a tsp of oil: a tsp each of mustard seeds, black gram, Bengal gram, 2 tsps sesame seeds, red chillies and a pinch of asafoetida. We don’t want anything brown. Set aside to cool.
In the same pan, sauté the tamarind leaves without heat. That is the heat present in the pan and oil are enough to cook the tamarind leaves. Set aside to cool.
Grind together to a fine paste: The tamarind leaves, mustard seeds, black gram, Bengal gram, sesame seeds, red chillies, asafoetida and salt to taste. Add a little water if required to make a fine a paste.
For the seasoning, heat a tbsp of oil, add mustard seeds and as they pop, add the black gram, curry leaves, and another pinch of asafoetida. Either add the seasoning to the chutney or vice versa and cook a min or two on low flame.
Chinta aaku pachadi is done. Tamarind leaves chutney is a typical Andhra pachadi and goes well with rice but given its tangy and spicy taste it should make a good chapathi/phulka supplement too. Lookout for the tamarind leaves and enjoy the chutney.
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